


chinese language

Published by 重庆出版社.

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4 stars (2 reviews)

数百年前,来往于伦敦世界间的大门大开,世界平衡稳定。可好景不长,人类对权力的渴求、对魔力无止尽的所求、欲望的膨胀招致黑伦敦陷落,魔法随之消失。人们关上了往来的大门,裹足不前,指派所剩无几的被魔法选中的“旅行者”穿梭其间,以信件传信息…… 凯尔,贵为红伦敦的王室成员,以“旅行者”为职责,却总是夹带私货、违反法则,只为求得自我价值的证明;莱拉,生活在灰伦敦的低贱女飞贼,心怀航海梦,一心想打破阶层束缚,逃离灰伦敦。一次意外的偷盗行动,将凯尔和莱拉的命运紧紧系在了一起。为了送回盗来的魔法原石,他们招来杀身之祸,不得不打破百年禁忌,开启了穿梭于各个伦敦的逃亡之旅……

6 editions

reviewed A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab (Shades of Magic, #1)

Some sharp magical fun

4 stars

Though V.E. Schwab has been on my radar for a while I haven't picked up anything by her before. I have now ordered the second two books in this series. This was an interesting, fun adventure, with lots of character.

This is a multiple-worlds story, in which dimensions with different forms or levels of magical power are connected through a shared sense of "London" (though the different Londons and the countries in which they exist are quite distinct from one another).

The primary protagonist, Kell, is a magic user who moves between the worlds. His relationship with his own world is "complicated", and things are made much moreso when he unexpectedly ends up smuggling something he doesn't intend.

There are some lovely ideas here, and the world-building is well-handled. The main characters are compelling and sympathetic, while still having some rough edges. Setting the stage across the different dimensions takes …


  • Quantum theory
  • Magic
  • FICTION / Fantasy / Historical
  • Fiction
  • Fiction, fantasy, general